Please find below the Notice of the Exercise of Public Rights for the Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2020-21. Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year …

Godshill PC Exercise of Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return for 2020-21 Read more »

Please find at the link below the Agenda for a virtual meeting via Zoom of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 7.30pm: Agenda Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 928 1178 6095 Passcode: 348249 …

Agenda for Virtual Parish Council meeting on 10th November at 7.30 pm Read more »

Please find at the link below the Agenda for a virtual meeting via Zoom of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 13th October 2020 at 7.30pm: Agenda Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 963 7618 3341 Passcode: 998434 …

Agenda for Virtual Meeting of Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 13th October at 7.30 pm Read more »

Please find at the links below the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2019-20 and accompanying documents together with the Notice relating to the Exercise of Public Rights for the Parish Council’s Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2020: …

Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2019-20 and Exercise of Public Rights Read more »