Please find below the Notice of Conclusion of Audit together with the External Auditors’ Report for Godshill Parish Council’s Accounts to 31st March 2019: Godshill PC Notice of Conclusion of Audit Godshill PC External Auditors’ Report 2018-19 Annual Governance & …

Notice of Conclusion of Audit Godshill Parish Council Accounts for 2018-19 Read more »

The Godshill Parish Council and village web site now has a new site – it is  The old previous site of is being re-directed to the new site.    

Please find at the links below the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2018-19 and accompanying documents together with the Notice relating to the Exercise of Public Rights for the Parish Council’s Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2019: …

Godshill Parish Council Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2018-19 and Exercise of Public Rights Read more »